Axolotl Engine

A custom 3D engine developed entirely in C++, using OpenGL, SDL and other libraries

My contribution

I actively contributed to the project by engaging in the implementation of a Quadtree structure strategically designed to enhance the engine's performance through efficient frustum culling techniques.

In addition, I developed a feature to customize window docking within the engine, along with the creation of productivity-boosting shortcuts tailored specifically for gameplay programming tasks.

Moreover, I worked on the scene serialization in JSON format to load and save the gameobject hierarchy of the engine. To augment the development and debugging process, I meticulously crafted a debug window for keyboard and controller inputs using SDL and ImGui for a highly efficient and user-friendly solution.

I introduced a specialized NavMesh resource and an associated importer, instrumental in advancing the engine's capabilities for facilitating the development of this intricate feature.

Axolotl Engine is a custom 3D game engine developed entirely in C++, using OpenGL, SDL2, Bullet, ImGui and other tools. The project was developed as a final project for the Masters' Degree in Advanced Programming for AAA Video Games at UPC School and it allows you to add your 3D models, create GameObjects, modify their transforms, create a build for the game and add components to allow other features such as particle systems, music, textures, navigational meshes and UI components.

The engine also allows you to create scripts and assign them to different GameObjects, so you can add your own logic to the games you create. We also added a custom state machine editor that allows you to assign animations to different actions of your characters and create transitions between them.